Unknown Munitions Ammo Case



Unknown Munitions Logo embossed in lid. Frosted blue base with clear blue hinged lid.

Available with or without die cut soft lid foam, foam compresses to keep ammunition from moving around in the box.

Made from high impact polypropylene for increased strength against cracking, chipping, warping, expansion, or contraction. Our cases feature a traditional living hinge design, providing a translucent look and an easy-to-open lid. They are stack-able and made in the USA.

Small case max dimensions are 2.92″ COAL x .49″ Case Head like 6.5 Creedmoor and 308 Winchester (Standard case head and smaller only)

Large case max dimensions are 3.93″ COAL x .62″ Case Head (will fit Standard, Magnum, and Lapua case head cartridges)